Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Question

The Current Question
Right now,
 I find that 
I am
not quite
the person
I am 
used to being.

Right now,
I don't mind
but I am curious
and I ask myself
this question:
Are these changes
temporary, circumstantial
are current circumstances
a door
through which I move
into this
new way of being?

Right now
I can't know--
not yet
because the answer lies
in some future
now, and
probably not
for the last time.

How many
we have
in a lifetime
to ask
and answer
that question.


JFM said...

This sure is food for thought Shari...great writing!

Iris Flavia said...

I want... somehow, maybe ... a new way of being.
42. (Sorry, but we need to end with a funny one in life and that is THE answer after all, huh?)

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Jan!

Iris--I'm afraid I don't understand the reference, but nothing to be sorry about, I'm sure.

Iris Flavia said...

I shamely admit I´ve never seen the weird stuff, but 42 is the answer to anything according to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Bummer, I should watch it. There is a towel day in this, too.
Help! ;-)

Iris Flavia said...

Sorry, the link is rather crappy, here it is: "Deep Thought had been built to give the answer to the "Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything". It gave the answer as "42"."

Shari Burke said...

Ah ha! This explains it! I am not a movie/TV watcher, so am completely ignorant about such things. Thanks for explaining :-)

Lowcarb team member said...

A fascinating question ...

All the best Jan