Thursday, March 24, 2022

Body Surfing Pig

 I don't remember how I discovered the Jacob's Ridge youtube channel, but once I watched one video, I was hooked! Jacob's Ridge is an animal sanctuary in Spain. The people who run it were renting the land, but when the pandemic hit, it was hard to keep the income stream flowing, since part of their expenses were met my having people do volunteer holiday stays there. With travel shutting down this was no longer possible. The owner was apparently very accommodating, but eventually, he needed to be paid. He offered the site to them at a discounted price so they set up a crowdfunding project to get the money to buy it--and they did! Yay! 

The sanctuary has dogs, cats, goats, sheep, donkeys, horses, pigs, and possibly other critters, too. There are over 140 animals being cared for there, according to their youtube channel. The videos always make me laugh--Julian, one of the owners, has a good comedic sense and interacts with the animals--especially the donkeys--in fun ways. His partner, Rachel, is so loving and gentle with the animals. I have no affiliation with the sanctuary or the youtube channel other than as a subscriber who finds the videos uplifting, heartwarming, and funny. The one I watched last night was no exception and I share it here. If you like animals and enjoy a good laugh, check out their youtube channel to see more animal shenanigans!

Ben, the 700-pound pig,  decided to have a wander down to the river, but things did not go as he planned.


NanaDiana said...

OMGOSH- I have to look that site up. Thanks for the tip! Hugs-Diana

Shari Burke said...

I am so glad I found them! The donkeys are so funny! Ronny always has his eye on himself in the camera ๐Ÿคฃ

The site and YouTube channel are linked in the post. They'll open in a new window. ๐Ÿ™‚

Shari Burke said...

I love the channel and always get happy when I see a new video posted ๐Ÿ™‚

Linda said...

Love it Shari. Thank you for the heads up.

Rostrose said...

Oh, then he was hungry, good Ben ;-DDD
Dear Shari, I'm glad nothing happened to the pig. I was also very impressed by the large lemon bushes on the shore - only afterwards did I read that the sanctuary is in Spain, which I had previously overlooked. Because of the rain I initially thought it was probably Ireland or the UK. By the way, we would need a bit of this rain here - it's been far too dry for weeks. (But currently I'm enjoying the spring temperatures ... Perhaps we can order rain for next week? ;-))
Happy Thursday evening!

Shari Burke said...

You're welcome, Linda! ๐Ÿ™‚ It's good to see the critters living happy lives and being loved and cared for!

It's not the first time Ben has gotten into mischief, Traude๐Ÿ˜ƒ Yes, let's order rain!!! We are having unseasonably warm temperatures here, too. I can't say I am enjoying them, but hopefully they will pass soon! I had my first sighting of the season (on a news site) about how it was going to be warmer in Ireland than in Barcelona. It's a bit early for such pronouncements--they usually show up later in the season along with the term 'scorchio' which I haven't seen yet.