Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Sea and Shadow

 Every time we go out, I have a look at the water to see what colour the sea is on that day. It can be so many different colours--black, grey, green, navy blue, turquoise, and various combinations of these. Today it was a kind of dark turquoise at home, but down the road in the next village, it was more grey. This was taken alongside our building.
There were lots of shadows today.
What's the question? 

There is a gate down the street which I love, but I can never get a good picture of it because it doesn't show up well against the background. I got the design today as a shadow. It'd be a fun design in a colouring book or as a piece of abstract art.
We were walking to the grocery store in the next village and back--it's about 1 1/4 miles each way. Now that I've been using my new backpack for a couple weeks, I can say that I love it. It's far more comfortable with the padded straps and back and the improved design means that when it's packed, things sit better inside it, which means the pack itself sits more comfortably on my back. Yay!


Vicki said...

I love the photo of the ocean, I miss living that close to the Pacific Ocean.

I also love the shadows, I rarely get a shadow shot :(

Glad you love your new backpack!

Shari Burke said...

The first time we went in the Pacific, it took our breath away--it was so cold!

I'm really happy about the backpack--it makes a big difference. :-)

Linda said...

The shadow is whimsical and lovely but the view......fantastic.

So glad the backpack is working out.

Shari Burke said...

It's a lovely spot 🙂

My name is Erika. said...

What a great view in tat photo.

Shari Burke said...

It is--and it changes frequently, depending on weather conditions :-)

NanaDiana said...

Wow- Great photos and I love the shadow one. I am glad you like your new backpack. I bought one when we were going to Europe (which Covid cancelled) and still haven't used it. Have a great rest of the week, Shari. Hugs-Diana

Shari Burke said...

I hope you'll get a chance to use that backpack sometime! Camping season will start soon :-)

I hope you're feeling better!