Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving/Thursday

 To those of you in the US or celebrating elsewhere like us, Happy Thanksgiving! To the rest of you, happy Thursday or whatever day it is when you're reading this. 

We had our 9th Thanksgiving in Ireland while everyone else went about their usual Thursday routine. A friend came for dinner and brought three desserts! A trifle, a custard tart (pie) that the bakery in his neighborhood is known for, and some caramel slices. I spent a good chunk of the day cooking and now I am thrilled with the leftovers. I'm tired, but no cooking necessary for a few days now. Yay!

Last week, I saw that veg man had purple sweet potatoes so I got one to try. I liked it, so today I got another one, along with some other stuff for dinner. I made a roasted fruit and veg thing--chopped purple sweet potato, chopped orange sweet potato, chopped apples, and fresh cranberries mixed together and tossed with some orange juice. I poured it onto a tray and baked it until the sweet potatoes were cooked. The colours were beautiful and it was yummy!

We had a great visit with our friend, ate some yummy food, and had a peaceful day. It was a lovely Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for.


Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

Thanks Jan! 🙂

Shari Burke said...

Sounds like you had a great day! Congratulations to the happy couple! I wish them many, many years of happiness!