Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 I have never been a fan of the ovens and hobs I've had since we came to Ireland. In the US, I always had electric stoves and ovens, with one exception. Our cabin in North Pole had propane and it was horrible. The burners were either on high or off--there was no in between. We ended up buying an electric hot plate because that was better to use. If I remember correctly, all of the hobs I had in the US were part of a unit with the oven. But here, none of them have been. The hobs are just set into the counter. I have no idea whether that makes any difference whatsoever, but they've all been quite slow to heat up. With each one, I learned how 'early' to turn on a burner while I was still chopping so that by the time the food was ready to hit the pan, the burner would be hot. The hob in this place was at a whole other level, though. The first time I cooked something, it took 20 minutes for water to boil on the front burner. After that, I used the back ones, which are better, but still not great.

When we were moving, the friend who helped us said that he had an induction hob he wasn't using. he has a gas stove, but there was a problem with it at one point, so he started using one of the two induction hob/hot plate things he had and kept on using it because it works so well. He said he wasn't using the other one and thought I might like it. He said to check my pots and pans, though, because not all of them can be used on induction burners. If a magnet sticks to it, it can be used. I was kind of noncommittal, because I try not to accumulate too much stuff, but I did go to do the magnet test. Turns out there was no need, because on the bottom of the pots and pans it says 'induction' so I knew they'd be fine. After I'd waited 20 minutes for water to boil, my mind was made up. I said I'd love to have it. He came for a visit with some other friends about a week and a half ago and he brought it. 
I was shocked the first time I used it. It required a different way of working. Instead of turning the burner on while still prepping the food, with this the food has to be in the pan and the pan on the hob before it's turned on (and an empty pot/pan should never be left on the burner as it will melt). And when it's turned on, the sizzle begins within 30 seconds! It is so fast! I put hot water in a pot the other day and it was boiling in a minute or two. When I turn down the heat, it immediately cools down. I was reheating leftovers the other day and it was faster than the microwave. Because it's so fast, it's not a problem to cook things in succession if I need two pots and pans. The other day, rather than turn on the regular hob, I used this to make pasta and veggies. I cooked the veggies first, then took the pan off the burner and cooked the pasta. When that was done, I took that off the burner and put the pan of veggies back on while I drained the pasta, just to be sure they were piping hot. It was still quicker than using the regular hob would have been. In addition to be nicer to use, it will use a lot less energy than the regular sloooow hob. I love this thing! 


Brenda said...

Sounds great…just received new small toaster oven with air fryer and convection…love it…

Shari Burke said...

Nice! I've been using an air fryer as an oven, since we don't have one here and it's great!

My name is Erika. said...

I have one of these to use as a spare since my stove top is slow and if I've got a lot going, a little too crowded. You are right about how fast they heat up. It's pretty amazing, isn't it? And I'm not a big fan of gas either. Hope you're having a super week!

Shari Burke said...

I've been learning how to bypass ovens and now hobs, that's for sure! Now I use all my little kitchen appliances for as much as possible. And it did not take long for us to see how much energy we save. Our electric bill dropped immediately!

Hoping you're having a great day!

Shari Burke said...

I've heard that, but the one gas stove I has was terrible--either high or off, basically. I could not simmer--LOL--and there was a danger of boiling over, which is why we bought the hot plate. This thing is great though--heat goes up and down quickly, so it's easy to regulate. I'm glad to have it :-)

Joy said...

I have any gas oven removed, can't handle the fumes.
This leaves me with my Instant Pot and my Air Fryer and a Convection Oven. (Which I only have because it holds a casserole dish and in the early days when I got the AF they were round.)

I love that style of kitchen, no pots and pans to fuss with and the IP is just as quick to simmer. I DID try an induction but somehow in the early days I think it wasn't quite the exact science it probably is now. In the house designs I make now I don't even have 'installed ovens/hobs' I just make space for whatever kind of cooking people may want to do. Somehow it's very freeing to have all of that clear counter and cabinet space.

I'm so glad your friend let you try his and that your pots/pans already said that they were induction. It's always been a much bigger movement overseas than the US (in part because of the energy savings), so I'm not surprised that they have those indicators on the cooking items already.

Shari Burke said...

Yes, I was glad the cookware was appropriate! It stays with the apartment when we move someday, so hopefully the next place will come similarly equipped! but if not, I can take a magnet to the store and find something that will work--LOL

Joy said...

I get it, I totally did that when I tried one lol. Sorry to hear it 'has to stay' tho =/

Joy said...

Oh wait, what has to stay with the apt, the pots and pans or the induction device? (Or both?)

Iris Flavia said...

Ingo had a propane-cooker when we were in Australia, boy, I hated that thing and once he left me alone with it for over 2 minutes! LOL. He had to drop the camera and take over.
20 minutes for water???
We have induction, too. Great.

Shari Burke said...

Joy--the induction hob stays with me :-D Pots and pans are part of the furnishings in rentals, so they'll stay here. But if the next place doesn't have appropriate cookware, I can just get a pot and a pan that will work. The hob itself is fairly small and flat, so easy enough to bring--yay!

Iris--I love it!

Joy said...

Yes that's why they're so great for small/alternative housing. They just store out of the way somewhere and leave the cooking space free for other uses or prep the rest of the time. I'm glad you get to keep it. =) It does seem like those pots/pans are pretty widely available there, which should work-out great. =)

Shari Burke said...

Yes--as long a a magnet will stick to pots/pans they can be used on the hob, I'm told.