Thursday, October 21, 2021

Not Bad!

 It's not a bad walk to the grocery store. The sea and sky were lovely today, even with the tide being out.

I hope it's a lovely day in your neck of the woods today, too.


Vicki said...

I love seeing your town(s) via your photos! Everything there looks so clean, tidy, and beautiful ♥

Shari Burke said...

They have an annual Tidy Towns competition. It's a big deal, which I didn't realize at first. In the first town in which we lived, there was a lovely elder woman who would go outside in her skirt, apron and patent leather shoes and sweep the sidewalk and even the street sometimes!

Linda said...

Now that is positively stunning. I can almost feel the crisp air.

Cloudy here in Portland but a pleasant 70°. Not a complaint out of me :)

Shari Burke said...

We had a brisk breeze. Now the wind is howling!

Joy said...

Interesting about the tidy elder woman... Umm did she wear a top or?

Lovely picture, looks wonderful! Is the air clear or does it tend to feel with various sort of fire-for-heating type smells?

Iris Flavia said...

Your weather here, 6C, tops 10 today, brrr...
Great view there. Truly lovely.

Shari Burke said...

Joy--they LOVE their open fires here and we smell them at all times of the year. Even in summer, when it was in the 20s and even 30s (extremely hot for here), shops still had the peat briquettes out. I have gotten used to the smell of peat, but it used to upset my stomach when we first arrived.

iris--about the same as us! Better than the mid-teens we might get next week, but I'd still prefer a few degrees cooler. I did close one window, though. Maybe soon it will be cool enough to close the others.

Joy said...

Oh good to know, that might be difficult for me I've never been real good with any kind of smoke. *Fill (correction). I could imagine that too I have a lot of issues with eucalyptus and other aromatic type plants (that often get more pungent while burned). In N Euro where I was they didn't have a lot of wood etc to spare so it was mostly early growth birch. Most homes had underfloor heating tho so most didn't use a fire unless it was 'an occasion'.

Iris Flavia said...

Heating is on ;-)
The program calls it "Party-Mode" - not kidding!