Monday, December 13, 2021

We're Boostered

 Bill and I got our boosters this afternoon. They were talking appointments at a local pharmacy, which is a 2 minute walk from our apartment. We asked if we could just come together instead of having separate appointments, and they put us both down in the same slot, which is cool because it kept a slot open for another person. 

The guy was trying to put a plaster on my arm over the jab site and he was laughing because he couldn't find it. He ended up just sticking it on my arm somewhere. LOL 

We were both glad that we could pop in, have it done, and come home in the space of 20 minutes. Very convenient!

It was a busy day, starting off with a brisk 2 1/2 mile walk to the post office and back to pick up a large (over 1000 pages) book Bill had ordered. When we got home, we had just enough time to grab something to eat before catching the bus to Dungloe so we could go to Aldi and Lidl. We got home from there with enough time to haul the heavy bags upstairs and put things in the fridge. We left the rest of the stuff in the bags and went to get boostered. First thing I did when we got home was to turn the kettle on to make tea while I was putting the rest of the groceries away. All day long, from the time I got up, I was counting down the hours until we would be done, home, and drinking a cup of tea. I am not sure I have ever appreciated a cuppa more than I did today!


Vicki said...

Glad your got your boosters. I haven't gotten mine yet.

Shari Burke said...

We were glad to get them! Hope you get yours soon!

Brenda said...

Got mine September
Or October
I waited 8 months after second one
Had some bad reactions to booster but when one considers the alternative…

Shari Burke said...

It's a shame that you had reactions to the booster. Bill was just shy of 6 months and I was just past 6 months. we had to be at least 5 months past the second jab, but last night they announced that they are lowering it to 3 months because of Omicron.

Joy said...

How are you doing with it? Any side-effects so far?

Those kind of days can be so hectic!
That was so cute that he couldn't find the jab location and just stuck a plaster on you 'somewhere' lol. I guess if he got the correct arm it's something lol.

Shari Burke said...

We got it Monday afternoon and both of us had slightly sore arms that night and the next day. I had the same reaction I had when I got jab 2--felt like I usually do in summer. Clogged sinuses, sinus headache, fatigue--the guy did say, 'We're going to wake up your immune system, so it's normal to feel tired!' I felt like saying, 'Dude, my immune system just started its winter rest and so did I! Now you're gonna wake it up again--LOL' So it went on hyper alert for a day. At least it had something beyond the usual to attack. Most of the time, it's like, 'Hey! An airborne fungal spore! A grain of pollen! Time to go to work and attack that shit!' LOL Anyway, I knew what to expect so I planned for it and made sure there was nothing I had to do on Tuesday, so I was able to rest.

Joy said...

Yes, oddly, I have that same immune system who calls out an alert at every bit of dust or pollen etc, but it still ghosted me for effectiveness some years ago. On the latest immunoglobulin tests I had a margin-of-error result which is basically a zero. Hence my 'bubble-boy' existence but without all the fancy equipment (if you recall the old movie story). Thankfully one of the few things I can take is Guaifenesin (Mucinex but just the straight capsule, nothing added). That's what my Dr has me taking if I get any of those symptoms so it wont grow to something worse (bronchitis etc).

Smart to take a time when you could rest-through the worst of it as needed. I really hope all these jabs work or that they make new ones for Omicron and other variants more immune to the old science. I wonder if Ireland and other nations will require all 3 jabs before allowing tourists etc in?

PS: If it's ok, I meant to tell you my youngest sister I was looking at her FB and she just decided to randomly go to Cliffs of Moher before the pandemic, like such an interesting choice for a USian to plan a whole trip to. I know we have a lot of heritage in Ireland but I can't place how she came to hear about it and go, can you think why? I mean does it have a blarney stone too or something? (I thought I'd ask you before I asked her.)

Shari Burke said...

It's a well known tourist attraction. People visit from all over the world. I have not been there, but we were fortunate to be able to visit Sliabh Liag (Slice League), here in Donegal before that got too touristy. I love it there. It's beautiful in all kinds of weather! Highest sea cliffs in Europe, you know! 😃

Anyway, your sister should be able to get to other places in that part of the country from that area. The Burren is spectacular, as I understand it.