Friday, December 10, 2021

The Tiger & The Buffalo spoof ad


My name is Erika. said...

The only thing about this add that drives me nuts is they should have cut out the beginning, when the tiger was about to bit the buffalo in the neck. And then they are friends. Am I missing something here? Happy weekend!

Shari Burke said...

I read it as being part of the manipulation--pretending to be hostile to each other in public and then laughing all the way to the bank when people fall for it. So they create an image/idea of enemies, adversaries, etc but when the cameras are off, they are pals. It reminded me of the politicians in the US who will call each other vile names when the cameras are rolling but will then be spotted having lunch together. Of course, the way things are going, some really are dangerous and promoting violence, but for some it's all an act.

I hope you have a lovely festive weekend, too!

Vicki said...

Don't even get me started on the politicians in the US! It's more than embarrassing!

Shari Burke said...

It is! And it's not surprising that the US is now categorised as a backsliding democracy! But they will keep on with the phony outrage because it works for them. People swallow it, get whipped up into a frenzy, and send them cash. They don't care who is harmed. 😢😣

Joy said...

Thank you for sharing the truth for people who might not quite be as aware. It's so true that they're arguing/jeering and lying on the floor of the House or Senate but lunching in the commissary or some fancy restaurant after their round of golf the next minute.

"Backsliding Democracy" is probably 'too kind a definition' to put on things. I just hope we can seek asylum one day SOON, (like a long time ago already). I sure need it but it would practically take an act of god to make it possible for me to move outside of allowing people most ill-effected, to immigrate without some of the very complex / difficult restrictions. (Meanwhile the people who are spreading the mentality should NOT be allowed to immigrate away no matter how much money they have, where do these other nations think they get it?)

I have had eyes wide open to this for years, even since a kid living in Europe but somehow the other nations really never took the damage they were doing seriously ... and genocide is just one more type of corruption because they're so invested in all the money it brings-in. We're just trying to survive and not become a statistic while they profit from our suffering and then can even less afford to 'defect' because the other nations require so much money, even if it's 'enough' it never seems to be 'enough'. I can prove my 99% Euro heritage but because I don't know the family relative names (No one passed the current info down.) I can't move back? It's a monstrous situation. I kept hoping the last regime would force people like me out for 'being the wrong kind of people' but alas no they make too much money from us.

Shari Burke said...

Yes, the politicians are part of the issue, but another part is that social media enables this and allows it to spread like a disease, which I suppose it is. Facebook is particularly horrible. It's been 2 years since I deleted my account and I have not regretted it once. It's a cesspool as they say. I suppose it was easier for me because I had been finding it annoying, boring, and a waste of time for a while before I left, but I have seen people talking about trying to wean themselves off of FB in the same way they would talk about getting off drugs--not dissimilar, I guess.

Joy said...

I've never been one to post much there for various reasons. I generally respond to what other people post re their kid being sick, some event in their lives etc. Mostly though, I private message with closer family/friends. For me it's one less password to some random thing that random people will be a part of through which to communicate. I don't disagree with you but I didn't want to join Instagram, I drew the line there and most people are moving to it even tho it's owned by the same company. I'll NEVER be one to take or share selfies online so I had to draw the line somewhere. I guess one day they'll all move to Insta or some other app and I'll delete it then. I'll say tho that voices like yours are definitely needed there. I always appreciated seeing someone else say the same things I was thinking. At some point in the proceedings I decided to avoid politics on my page. I wanted to remind people of life before it all became so polarizing and divisive. I don't have the voice you do, I couldn't seem to pull it off so I'd post values-aligned things instead as if to show/remind people "Life without all of this crazy is out there, remember?"

That said I still want to leave it all behind, I just don't know if it'll ever be possible if the other nations wont take things here seriously. I'd be happy to have 'a single location' to text/chat with friends/family that doesn't include FB I just can't seem to find an app that everyone will join that isn't FB or Insta. I never had that level of addiction to it but I guess that depends how the feed/timeline reads. I rarely saw the more polarizing things and I'm glad. I've had older friends (my parents age) who are addicted to Fox News and programming, i don't even know how that happened... THAT raises my blood pressure and I have to get away from it. Especially the part where people talk back to the shows like they're true. "That's right we weren't born yesterdays the libtards and their agenda!' ahhh. What agenda? Good for all people, help your fellow man? LOVE? Well you know as well as I do how nuts all of that is so I'm glad FB doesn't have that tone for me but no i still wont be there forever. Truth is in this country people like me probably wont survive for long, I don't know anywhere else to try and turn the tide back while I have any voice at all.

Shari Burke said...

I think people are getting it about the US. I've found it interesting how, when people find out where we came from, they will sort of tiptoe around until I make it clear that I won't be offended if they say something negative. Then they feel free to unburden themselves by telling the truth about their experiences. We had two people in particular a few months ago who had lived in the US for a while and did not like it one bit. One was sort of wide-eyed when he said, 'It seems like it's just going to explode!' I am not sure if he was looking for reassurance, but if so, I disappointed him.

Joy said...

Oddly it was like that when I lived there as a kid. I was the only person from the US that they had met who didn't insist on speaking English in/out of class or things of that nature.

Like you I can well-tolerate criticism about things here, it's well-deserved. I don't blame them for not liking it, many people feel stuck here and would like to leave! Did he say the 'explode' comment before or after the Biden WH? The challenge we have with it now is it seems like he's not doing anything we actually need. Not fixing the USPS and even leaving the DT operative who destroyed it in-place. Not helping impoverished people re covid.

There's long long lists I'm sure we could discuss.. In that sense he almost makes DT seem benevolent because things aren't any better (they're worse) and he's done nothing about it. Adding insult to injury he isnt telling the truth/being transparent about how fluid the situation is and just blaming people even tho plenty of the variant's are immune to the current jabs because they weren't made with these new variants' in mind.. Ok if it's their fault just close down those sectors with States who are anti-vax and anti-mask etc and move everyone who thinks like that to those areas. (Many want to move there already.)

I didn't expect it to go this long with this little corrected, can you tell? =/ I mean some of this seemed like 'within the 100 days' sort of issues.

Shari Burke said...

The explode comment was in July. It wasn't directed at politicians. Biden's embrace of his Irish ancestry makes him a popular figure here--Ballina in particular :-) It's the culture and way of life that people find unpleasant.

The explode comment had to do with the fact that there is essentially a civil war going on there that is heating up and will get worse.

I don't think any of the variants completely evade the vaccines. The vaccines are less effective on some, but the boosters have a positive impact. And they do help prevent serious illness, which is important. There will come a time when a variant shows up that can evade the vaccines, and the more unvaxxed there are, the more they assist in its evolution. Every host offers the virus mutation opportunities.

Biden doesn't have the authority to unilaterally fire DeJoy. He is replacing the pro-DeJoy members of the board of governors when their terms expire, because it is they who can get rid of him. He is taking the steps he can take, but he can't just make stuff happen on his own. No president can. Even the last one did not destroy things alone--he had the help of Congress, the courts, white supremacist groups, and his other rabid cult members/voters to help him.