Friday, December 24, 2021

Season's Greetings!

 Whether you're celebrating today and tomorrow or not, I hope your days are peaceful and full of joy.

I've got a batch of lasagne bubbling away in the slow cooker, which will be supper tonight and lunch over the weekend--it smells good in here! I've made smoked salmon spread and some spuds with veg, which I will add to and turn into veggies bites tomorrow. We have a few other munchie things and will graze our way through the weekend--no large meals which means minimal prep and cleaning up. 

Sunday is a holiday here as well and much just shuts down between now and the new year--we won't even have mail delivery until next Thursday, I think. It is starting to get more quiet out there. This is what I have always loved about Christmas in rural Ireland--the quiet slowness. Quiet slowness is very me!

I've got some lovely music playing. It's a nice afternoon here. I hope the same is true for you!

Now I'm off to make a cuppa! 😀


Vicki said...

Merry Christmas to you and Bill!

Brenda said...

Merry. Christmas

Shari Burke said...

Hope you both have a very happy Christmas!

Rostrose said...

Dear Shari,
quiet slowness does really sound good! And lasagne, too :-D
Thank you for you sweet last comment in the old year! I was very happy to read about your hat donations - and it was really wonderful that you saw people who wore your creations and had their heads warm! Side effect: To read about it, warms up my heart!
I hope you spent the rest of the Christmas and New Years days pleasantly, too and I wish you a healthy and happy and creative and heartwarming New Year! 🍀🥂
All the best!

Shari Burke said...

Happy New Year, Traude!

Joy said...

I don't really get into the hype of this time of year myself (I keep a string of lights up year round for whenever the mood hits), but I do try to make 'something' of the New Year. This year I sent out some 'stocking stuffer' type gifts by way of amazon to all of the family members who tend to 'host' gatherings at this time of year. I did it in honor of our Nana who always had us wrap-up small gifts to give out to people randomly through the year. The item was a bunch of little wrapped packages of square chocolate truffles that used the same kind of paper she did. I always thought that was such a loving life lesson, "never miss the chance to make someone feel seen or special". She'd hear it was someone's birthday, a visitor or even the postman, and she'd have one at the ready in the box for him when he got there. People like that don't grow on trees but maybe by influence like hers, the message can spread!

I think you do that sort of thing too when you make warming items and gift them to people who may be in need. I wonder if they have those gifts for kids/people in crises at the police dept like here? Some depts have more than they need and others have nothing whether it's a teddy bear or a hat/scarf for when someone is found wandering in the cold etc.

I love your accounting of the food and music, it all sounds so warm and inviting.
I hope you and the hubby have had a good holiday season! What do you think of your new town at this time of year did they do anything particularly different or heart warming? (I mean besides the slow-quiet).

Shari Burke said...

It was different in the sense that they did nothing--LOL A few houses had some decorations in windows, but that#'s it. To be fair, there is no town or even really a village, other than one or two businesses. It would take less than a minute to walk from one end to the other and we live in a townland (?) between villages. So there was no place to put anything. I thought they might put up some lights along the road, but no. It was the most drab of anyplace we've lived.

Happy 2022!

Joy said...

How interesting really. So more of a 'bus stop in the road' than a town?
Now that you've lived in 'the most drab place ever' for the holidays, does it seem like things need a little livening up in future (maybe help on a small decorating committee for 'the big holidays') or are you content with how it was, like that? I mean does it need 'a little cheer' or was it like... It wasn't really missed (by you guys or really anyone)?

Shari Burke said...

Yes, I was always a bit confused when I would see 'Gweedore.' Sometimes it seemed like a village and sometimes like a region. I found out it's the latter and there are sort-of villages scattered throughout. So there is no 'town centre' or Main St or anything.

I missed it, but I guess the people who live here are used to it.

Joy said...

I wonder if there's some kind of story about how/why it came to be that no decorating happens now? Maybe some people did it at one time and they moved or retired or something and no one has come along to take it over? Did people seem to have lights or anything in their homes that could be seen near windows or? Maybe your decorating 'brightened-up the place'? =)
Happy 2022 to you too! Oh BTW yet another reason i wish i wasn't still living here, (festive lights or no lights) we have insane rise in cases and I just tested + 3x for covid despite not leaving the house or always using PPE. Someone who brings me groceries 'saw the neighbor' whose spouse got it and here I am. (Be careful, this Omicron is crazy contagious.)

Shari Burke said...

Yup, we are right around the peak of the omicron wave now, they say. Hope you're feeling OK!