Monday, March 22, 2021

Springtime Blues

 With the arrival of spring, my difficult half of the year has officially begun. Meh. I posted this last year just after I wrote it, but am posting it again because it's that time once again. Meh.

Song of the Season

Spring-summer and I,

we just don’t get along

as the nights get short

and the days get long.

The sun comes out

and I overheat

while wishing the rain

would come down in sheets.

The flowers, they bloom

and then clog my head

while my lungs start

to feel like they’re filled up with lead.

The grass starts to grow

and my throat starts to burn,

then my plummeting mood

becomes cause for concern.

I miss seeing bare branches

against a grey sky,

my depression returns

and sometimes I cry.

When solstice arrives

and folks welcome the light

the great joy for me’s in

the lengthening night.

So spring-summer and I

are surely not friends

and I get less depressed

as we get near the end.

When the days grow short

and the nights grow long

I’m back in the seasons

to which I belong.

Give me the dark,

the rain, and the cold--

Autumn and winter

don’t ever get old.

You know what they say--

that all things must pass,

but to me spring and summer

are pains in the ass!

13-14 May 2020


Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Vicki! I try to see each year as an opportunity to have a slightly better attitude than I had the year before. Sometimes I feel I've succeeded and sometimes not. Fingers crossed for this year :-)

Unknown said...

I like getting this different perspective. Springtime generally brings positive feelings, and it's good to be reminded that not everyone feels that way. I used to suffer from allergies triggered by spring weather, but by some miracle I no longer have that experience. I enjoyed the warm weather today, but soon remembered how much I really don't like summer heat and humidity. Probably a good idea to try as you do to have a better attitude. That's really all we have much control over! Loved this poem, Shari

Shari Burke said...

Thank you 🙂

It's great that you no longer have spring issues!

Enjoy the day!

Iris Flavia said...

The last line, sorry to say, made me laugh!
You´re a great writer, sorry you feel that way, wish I could write that the other way round for me! Cause it´s just that.

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Iris--I'm glad the last line made you laugh. I was trying to make it light-hearted. Sometimes I cannot manage this! ;-)

Lowcarb team member said...

For many the Spring and Summer seasons are not easy ones.
I enjoyed your poem though.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Rostrose said...

Oh, now I can better understand why you were drawn to Alaska ... A rare phenomenon, because all people I know get depressed by lack of winter light ... I love spring and autumn, but summer is too hot for me, too. (I think I have Viking genes. You too?) ...
XOX Traude

Shari Burke said...

My maternal side went to the US from Italy. My father was born in Germany. Guess the northern genes were dominant! :-D