Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Poem in Solidarity

Self Destruction (in solidarity with people rising up against oppression and with a nod to Audre Lorde)

I sit
in the adopted country
I love.

 I watch
the ongoing self-destruction
of the country I have never loved
but was born into and understand so well.

I listen
to the anguish
of those who
have always known
they were never meant to survive.

I see
the incredulity and fear
of those who
thought their country
was something different
even though this
is what it has always been.

I am reminded
that all politics 
is identity politics
and only one identity
decides how things 
should be,
who belongs where,
who gets to take 
a knee
and who gets to breathe.

If your skin is light enough
(or even sickly orange)
you decide
which of your weapons 
to use
in any given moment
and for whatever reason
you choose
while pretending 
you’re a patriot.

What are you in the mood for today?
Your voice?
Your position?
Your propaganda?
Your politics?
Your knees?
Your guns?
All of the above?

Each day you speak
and oppress
and deny basic rights
to humans you despise
and fear.

And when people
keep on surviving
you look for excuses
to kneel on their necks
and make the metaphor real.

And when that doesn’t work
you turn to your weapons 
of war
and even 
weapons illegal
in war.

I consider
as I sit here
how everything depends
on which side of the gun
you’re standing.

2 June 2020


Vicki said...

Wow! Very emotional!

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Vicki.

Joy said...

This says it all. Not many years ago people might have assumed this was about any of the other usually corrupt nations... The sort of place those people fled-to, to get away from places like that. Many of us understood, saw what it was becoming, even wanted to leave ourselves... Some,like you, did. Some couldn't. At least you'll be there to remember and possibly tell our story, of trying to stop it, trying to get out. Many of us wonder if the wall is more to 'keep us in' than others 'out'.

Shari Burke said...

It is ugly and going to get so much uglier :-(