Saturday, April 20, 2019

Turbine Blades

We went down a small road today on our walk and came upon these wind turbine blades. They'd been unloaded from the ship and are waiting to be transported to north Mayo, where they will be part of a wind farm.
I'm not sure why these two were in a separate area--I wondered whether they'll be the next to go. They go one at a time on a long truck. Maybe they get loaded from that area.
It was so quiet for the first part of our walk. Easter weekend here is like Christmas in that way. Once we got back into town, it was midday and things were picking up a bit. Veg man was busy and there were a lot of cars parked outside the butcher shop. There's no real car park, so it was just a haphazard arrangement of cars.

We're settled in for the rest of the weekend now--no plans except to do whatever I feel like doing in a given moment. I hope you have a peaceful weekend, too.

1 comment:

Shari Burke said...

Thanks for going along :-) It was nice that everything was so quiet!