Monday, May 20, 2024


 Got happy mail today! 

It was kind of a surprise--Bill told me the other day that he'd seen a couple of books that he thought I'd like on a used book page on eBay, so he got them and they were on their way. He asked if I wanted to know what they were and I said I did, so he told me. I was (and am) thrilled! I didn't look them up, so the contents were a surprise. He was concerned that I might have already read many of the stories, but as it turns out, there are just a few between both books that I've read before. Not that I would have minded if there had been more. I love, love, love both short story collections and classic mysteries, so there is plenty for me to love here. 

I started the Victorian mysteries shortly after the parcel was opened. The second story was an amusing Wilkie Collins detective story. His Woman in White was mentioned a few times in the Introduction as one of the first detective sensation novels. As luck would have it, I found a like-new copy of that in a charity shop on Friday. The Victorian mystery anthology is divided into themes--detective, crime, international, and American stories. It seems to be quite well done and I am looking forward to reading a story or two each day. It'll be interesting to see if the stories from Spain, Italy, Germany are different in some ways from the British and US ones. I've been reading more and more Victorian literature (and a bit before that) for the past few years for quite a while now, so this will fit right in with that.

I am equally excited about the Christmas anthology, but I will summon up my willpower to hold off on that until later in the year. Reading Christmas mysteries is part of my yearly 'I am so grateful summer is OVER' ritual, so I am thrilled to know that this will be waiting for me when the time comes. It's a nice chunky book so I can stretch out my enjoyment for a while.

What better way to begin the week than welcoming fabulous books into my life?


David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hope that you are arranging for Bill to be canonized at the very least. Such a wonderful gesture to order books for you, and to know what you would enjoy. If I recall you have had him for about forty years, Shari, so better pencil him in for the next forty.,

Shari Burke said...

Yup, I'm keeping him.

Rostrose said...

Dear Shari,
Bill really knows what you want - and I think he loves to make you happy! :-)
How nice that you are now provided with this new reading material and also have great short stories for the post-summer period!
All the best to you and Bill, Traude

Shari Burke said...

Yes, I'm thrilled with both books--so many books, so little time.

Lowcarb team member said...

That is a lovely way to start your week, well done Bill :)

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

Really loving the Victorian mysteries so far!