Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Lucky Day!

 We hopped on the bus this morning with our fingers crossed. We were heading for the library and hoping that they still had a couple of books--one on each of our lists--that had been waiting for us until Friday. We didn't have a chance to go last week, so I emailed and asked if they could please hold the books a bit longer so we could go today. I got an automated reply back because the person was out of the office until today. I figured it'd be OK anyway, because it was a bank holiday weekend here and once they closed Friday they weren't open again until this morning. I was pretty sure that no one would jump over to the hold shelf and start removing books as soon as they opened and they didn't. We both plan to read both books, so nice that we were able to get them.

We are also both planning to read this one--me first:
Bill started this when we got home:
I read an advance review copy near the end of last year, I think and it was published a couple months ago. It's a great book and my review is here.

Finally, I got this one, which I am really looking forward to:

Our luck continued when we popped into the charity shop by the bus stop. Bill found a couple books and I made a beeline for the large plastic tub that had a few things of yarn in it. The tag said €1, so I grabbed a couple hanks of brown wool, three balls of mohair, and a cake of a thin yarn that I suspected was a wool blend of some kind, perhaps with silk.
When I went to pay, the woman only charged me €1.50 for the lot, yarn and books. I shoved the pile closer to her and asked if she got everything--LOL--and she assured me that she did, so I gave her the cash and left the store. When we'd entered, I was feeling a bit too warm and increasingly eager to get home so I could pour some coffee into myself. My fabulous little yarn haul and the books in my backpack perked me up a bit. 😁 

I did the burn test on the mauve yarn and it is indeed mohair. The thin yarn is definitely mostly wool. Not sure if the rest is silk or plant fibre of some sort, but it feels lovely. That and the brown wool are now chilling in the freezer. I didn't see any evidence of moth damage, but might as well be safe. And when my coffee and I were united once again, it was magical. Hope you have some magical moments in your day, too!


Lowcarb team member said...

It was indeed a lucky day.
You did very well with the books and a great yarn haul.

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

A visit to the library is always good and the yarn was a nice bonus! :-)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I love this! books, books and more books! Happy the day! And to cap it off with such a deal on yarn beats it all. I hope that you are suitably reflecting on your good fortune, Shari, and feeling quite smug!

Shari Burke said...

Hurray for libraries and charity shops! :-)

Shari Burke said...

I'm almost halfway through The Heat Will Kill You First, and so far I can highly recommend it. He has a good mix of the science and personal stories, so it's very informative as well as very readable. I thought Maurice and Maralyn was a great book and so far, Bill does, too. I hope the rest are as good as those two.