Monday, April 22, 2024

Happy Surprise on Earth Day

 We did a library run today. We don't have a branch in this village, but there are three we can go to, so we've been alternating. For now, the Central Library in Letterkenny is the best one for us, because of the opening times and bus schedules, so we've had our requests sent there and 4 of mine came in. There is a charity shop conveniently located across the street from the library, so after I picked up my holds and an extra book, we went in there. They were doing a brisk business because all women's clothing was €2. When we got past the line at the till and the people going through the racks of clothes, Bill spotted this:
photo taken after we got home
As is so often the case, there was no price tag on it. I hate asking how much something is, so Bill took it up to the till and asked the guy there. He pondered for  minute and said, "Two euro." It didn't leave my hand after that. I dragged it upstairs to look at the books, back downstairs to pay for it and the books we bought, into the shop where we picked up an extension lead and plug adapter, into the bakery where we got a loaf of delicious bread and mediocre eclairs (we'll go back for more bread, but skip the eclairs next time), back up the town to the bus stop, then onto my lap for the ride home on the crowded wee bus. Now it lives with me. It is missing a screw on top, but it's easy enough to fix. I'll take off the weaving that's on there and I should be able to use the yarn at some point. I'm thrilled to have this--it will give me more ways to keep more textiles out of landfill--I can use yarn and cut fabric into strips and weave with that. It's a good find on this Earth Day!


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Sometimes a find like that can make your whole day, Shari, and it seems like it did for you. Practical, attractive and a bargain to boot. That’s hard to beat - more than making up for second rate eclairs.

Shari Burke said...

Indeed so! The loom is apparently for ages 6 and up, so it's safe for me to use ;-)

Shari Burke said...

It was a happy surprise! I fixed it where the screw was missing, so it's good to go.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a great find that was :)

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...
