Thursday, October 6, 2022

Not So Fast!

 Well, we thought the roof issue was fixed. There was no dripping at all yesterday and through today. We put everything back this afternoon. Plenty of rain today, but all seemed OK, until at 10 tonight, drip, drip,drip again. ☹️ Another call to the management office in the morning. Sigh.


Brenda said...

Ludicrous…I have had so so many problems when renting…I have moved 31 times and have seen it all…one place had over fifteen leaks…a mattress ruined…it was awful…went on forever…the stress…I moved out after my lease was up and went into an efficiency…perfect landlord there…good luck..

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Brenda. That apt you mentioned sounds horrible! I'm really hoping this gets fixed tomorrow. Clearly the bit he did yesterday wasn't enough. I would think the owner would want it fixed before too much damage is done.

NanaDiana said...

That is awful! I hope the landlord gets it fixed properly this time. Have a wonderful weekend, Shari! Hugs- Diana

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Diana. He has been good about it as has the management office. We spoke to both today and are happy with the response. I don't think the landlord is too happy about it not being fixed, either! He apologized, but we know he has to rely on the people he hires, which is dicey!

Vicki said...

Wow! Guess they didn't fix it right.

Shari Burke said...

It was weird how it was OK for a day and a half and then started again. I was chatting with a woman today and she said the wind is the test. Guess it blows the rain in if there's an opening.