Friday, August 5, 2022

Things Just Got Crazy

In what will be a surprise to pretty much no one, we're moving again. We're both happy about our new apartment and the town we'll be living in. We signed the lease and got the keys yesterday and will be moving gradually over the next few weeks. We looked at the place three weeks ago today and learned we got it a few days later. The owner had some things done and the letting agent was on annual leave, so we were unsure exactly when we'd be able to begin. On Wednesday evening we found out we could start the following day. I had done some sorting and stuff during the time we waited, but I couldn't just start packing things and having them hanging around in our small apartment. Plus, I knew I would need some of it. So I did what I could and prepared myself for the whirlwind to come. When we got back today, we learned that a couple of friends are coming tomorrow to help. So we've been scrambling to get books and bulky things ready to go. We are having a nice breakfast together and then we'll get to work. It'll be crazy for the new few weeks and we are not sure how the whole wifi thing will go--last time it was quite a mess created by the employee of the Vodafone store. Hopefully this time will be better. We'll be going back and forth between apartments for the next few weeks. The letting agent made it a point to tell us about a community event happening Sunday, so we're going to that. He lives in our new town, Glenties, County Donegal (population 800-ish).

I'll post more about the story of our time here in Bunbeg in future, but for now I'll just say that as always, we learned some stuff about ourselves during our time here. We're both excited about Glenties and the possibilities it brings. We love the apartment and hope there will be no unpleasant surprises. We met the owner and he was very friendly and helpful. The letting agent will manage the place and he seems to be on the ball, unlike some we have dealt with in the past. We liked them both. 

I'm looking forward to settling in, but in the meantime we'll just have a few weeks of crazy. Whatever your August looks like, hope it's grand!


Vicki said...

So happy that you're so happy about this move and can't wait to hear about Glenties and see some photos! I hope everything goes smoothly!

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Vicki! A month ago we never would have thought we'd be going to Glenties!

Brenda said...

Good luck

Rostrose said...

Dear Shari,
you have to be born to move, and it looks like you really were born for it. I myself am happy to be in a place where I could settle down. One day we will probably have to leave it because it will be too difficult in the house with a garden, but now I really like being here (despite the lawn mowers and house builders all around, which sometimes get on my nerves ;-)). I wish you that you feel "arrived" in your new home - and that it is an area with as little noise as possible.
Happy weekend and all the best!

jackie said...

Just wondering, why do you move so oftern?

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Brenda!

Traude and Jackie--we used to move about once a decade. Things have sped up considerably since we've been in Ireland. Partly this is because we came here with a B&B booked for a week and no idea where we'd be living. So we've been exploring various places. I would like to stop moving for a while now, but circumstances have been such that staying put hasn't worked out, whether because of unsafe conditions or landlord/manager incompetence. I've written about some recent moves in the 'We Gotta Get Outta This Place series, linked in the list to the right. I will be writing about this place after we're gone.Thankfully we don't have tons of stuff and places here come furnished so we don't have to move furniture, dishes, etc. We do have books, which are heavy and stuff I've made from yarn, which is bulky. That can be cumbersome, but some friends gave up their Saturday to help us so all that is moved now.

As tiring as I find moving, I do experience benefits. We get to experience life in different places, not as a visitor, but as a resident. I like visiting places for a few days, but then I like to go home, wherever that is. I used to think I wanted to find a place and stay there for decades and then I saw that it just wouldn't work for me. That said, I am ready to settle for longer than we have been recently and I hope that'll be in the new place!