Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Less Crazy Than I Thought!

 We're moved and getting used to life in a new small town. We got finished a week earlier than we planned because one of our friends texted me one day and asked what would be the most helpful thing he could do. At that point, we thought we still had a week and a half to go, but instead, we were done a few days later. We did have to wait for the wifi, but that's OK. The guy came when they said he would and got us hooked up in a few minutes. What a pleasant change from all the drama we've had in the past when it would take hours or even days to get everything working.

Here's what the place looked like when we were in progress, as seen from my seat. The first one is looking straight ahead. There's a mirror behind me, so I think the strange rectangle in the window in the picture is a reflection.
We had the doors shut that day because it was hot and that room really does heat up. There was a heatwave during the time we moved, which was another reason we were so grateful for the help of friends. It would have been more uncomfortable to move on the bus as we have in the past.

If I look to my left, there is the kitchen. We moved the dresser out of the bedroom and put it right next to the door. It's better there--the bedroom is quite small and the space where it is now would have just been wasted, so we're happy with it there.
The place is small, which is what we prefer, but not so small that it's cluttered and inconvenient. It's quite a comfortable little place and I must say that I love being right next to the river and hearing it flow by! 

Everything is put away now, except for a few of Bill's things.
I have a couple of ongoing projects sitting around next to me on the loveseat and books piled up on the table next to me. It was when we put our books away that it felt like my home space. 

We haven't had a chance to do much wandering around yet, but we did enjoy the walk down a country lane to the glass recycling bins.
Now that the odds and ends are pretty much taken care of, hopefully we'll be able to do more meandering.

I hope you've been well and enjoying the days!



Vicki said...

You're place looks very nice and cozy! Five years ago I moved from a huge house in the country to a small house 2 towns over and I love it. I went from 3300 sq. ft. to 900 sq. ft. My living room, kitchen, and dining room here is what my kitchen was before. But I like it. It's cozy. I had to do a huge amount of downsizing but I love living in a small town instead of way out in the country. It takes me about 5 min. to get to a grocery store instead of 30-45 min.

Shari Burke said...

Yes! I have realized that I need to adjust my thinking now that we live in a town again! The population of this town is about 800, but things are so convenient and it's such a contrast to the last location. I'm glad you love where you are--both your house and the location!

My name is Erika. said...

Your new place looks nice. I'm glad the move went easier than you expected.

Brenda said...

Love it

Shari Burke said...

We are glad we made the move and we've learned about some stuff that makes that even more true now than it was a few weeks ago!