Thursday, May 20, 2021

Is This Really the Appropriate Time?

 Today has been frustrating. I was rudely awakened this morning by an idiot who decided that a bit before 6 was the appropriate time to start power washing the sidewalk. Because Bill and I both like to breathe, the window in the bedroom is open. The noise, the open window, the fact that it's summertime and light out before 5, and the early hour were a very bad combination. The washing went on for over an hour and continued even when it began lashing down rain. I love rain. I especially love heavy rain. And I am happy for every raindrop that they each had a nice, clean sidewalk on which to fall. However, I also enjoy sleep and that is way too early for this night owl to be up. I tried valiantly to get back to sleep, but without success, so after an hour, while the noise was still going on, I gave up and got up. Thus it's been a zombie sort of day. I've dragged myself through it, doing the bare minimum, feeling like my head is almost buzzing. I can't really focus on anything, so even reading is out. I hold out hope for a good night of sleep tonight and a decent day tomorrow. Spring and summer are bad enough without this kind of crap.

This concludes my rant. I hope you are having a good day, wherever you may be!


Iris Flavia said...

Sorry, you made we laugh. I get rudely awaked each morning at 04:00 am by Ingo´s watch. Not true, I wake up before that waiting for the vibration. Ingo tries to be nice only using a short bwwwww, but... I would wake up form that, too, and I wear ear-protection.

Ohhhh... rain, lucky you, but why did the idiot go on with his job in that (isn´t there a law about when to start noisy jobs? I think here there is).

Oh, being a night owl must be bad. I once was one a bit but turned into the early bird easily, lucky me, huh.
Hope for no more idiots in the mornings for you!

Shari Burke said...

I don't know whether there is such a law here. Ireland is actually a pretty night-owlish place. Meetings don't start until 8 at night and things don't usually get moving until 10ish.

I have always been a night owl and my daughter, too. If left to our own schedule, we both have always gone to bed late and gotten up late. I do best going to bed between 2 and 3 and getting up at 9-9:30. From the time she was a week old, my daughter would go to sleep at 1 and wake up at 10 or 11, so we never had any of the getting up in the night stuff that seems to be common for parents. :-) She's adjusted her times since then, but still a night owl when she can be.

Brenda said...

Wow. I am up at 4:30 or 5 everyday...I tell my grands I am old and want to take advantage of each day. I read a book for Netgalley on Kindle, read blogs, and get started. I do not run the washer before 9:00 as I am in a condo...I don't run vacuum or have music nice...I do dust, cook quietly...I like to have much finished by 8:00...I spend part of each day teaching the boys...home schooling a grand on Facebook and a little boy on the West coast. My life is hectic and full. I try to go to bed by 11 but if not, I just don't need much sleep anymore...old age has its advantages I guess. I do not nap during the day. I hope you have quiet in your area and people are nicer. Love the books you discussed also.

Shari Burke said...

I am such a night owl--LOL--getting up too early messes up my day, no matter how much sleep I get. If I get a few hours of sleep, say going to bed at 5 am and getting up at 9, I'm fine. But if I get up too early, even after 7 hours of sleep, I have issues for the day.

I usually can't nap during the day anymore either. I used to when I got migraines, but I don't get those anymore.

It's good to be considerate of your neighbours--I'm sure they appreciate that!

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness that's way too early.
Why couldn't they wait at least until 8am!

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

I have no idea, but I wish they would've!