Sunday, September 27, 2020

I Smile

 I wrote this poem in August as the lengthening nights were becoming more noticeable. A month later and the sun is setting before 7:30 and as of the other day, there is more time between sunset and sunrise than between sunrise and sunset. 

I Smile

(a poem for all the night owls)

August evening, 9:15

looking out the kitchen window

waiting for kettle to boil

cup of tea on the way.

I smile.

Watching the darkness


falling gently

on my shoulders

like a shawl.

I smile.

Feeling something settle--

calm, peace, ease, joy--

I wrap the night around me and

it feels like an embrace.

I smile.

The click of the kettle

draws me away;

I bring the night with me

while I make my tea and

I stay in its embrace

while I sip and savour.

And I smile.

25 August 2020


Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Vicki! That's one thing I love about autumn and winter--the calm I feel. I have an underlying hum of agitation throughout spring and summer. I rely on having lots of quiet, peaceful time in autumn and winter to recover from summer so I can be ready for the next one!

Brenda said...

I love this poem...maybe put some of your poems together and self publish a little book. I would love to have one...take your photos and those of your husband also.

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Brenda--I was considering that very possibility last night as I was doing some mindless knitting! :-)

Joy said...

I like your thoughts and ideas here as you know I would, only I'm total rubbish at poetry comments. I've written many a rhyming verse and even lyrics to songs, but not so much the rest of it. (I've written a few poetry-like eulogies as well surprisingly if the thoughts came together just right...) So I feel inadequate to do your fine work justice. It does immerse one who enjoys the cooler months into the pleasure of it though, well-done there.

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Joy :-)

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely words Shari.

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Jan!