Thursday, November 7, 2024

A New Chapter...

 begins soon.
On a purely objective level, it's fascinating to watch the self-destruction of a democratic superpower. On the other hand, my heart breaks for the suffering that is already the result. For many, the unavoidable knowledge that, in spite of the regular exhortations to the contrary, this is who 'we' are, is painful. Just a smidge over half of the voting public looked at a fascist, incoherent, mentally ill, cognitively declining, cruel, vindictive, easily manipulated, ignorant, damaged useful idiot/toddler and said, 'Yup, that's my guy.' Then they chose some more MAGA fascists for Congress to round things off. Once the new Senate is sworn in, I'm sure there will be no time wasted in completing the transformation of the federal judiciary into another MAGA-fascist-christian nationalist branch of the government. And just like that, the idea of separation of powers is gone. The people appointed will be young. This damage will last for decades. I will not be around to see the end of it. It's interesting to me to consider that my father was born to Nazi parents during the Nazi regime in Germany. I will die a citizen of a country with a fascist government--the country he arrived in as a teenager after the Nazis were defeated. The sad circle will be complete.

For those of you who did not choose this path, I know your pain is real, it is justified, it is terrifying, and it is so, so hard. Anger, fear, grief, and sadness are appropriate emotions. It's important to care for yourself and your loved ones. For anyone who wants to learn more about what's coming, I can highly recommend Ruth Ben Ghiat's book, Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present, as well as her Substack, Lucid. Of course, the authoritarian regime that's coming in the US will look different than those in places like Italy, Germany, Russia--these things always have to be culturally appropriate or they won't work--but Ben-Ghiat does an excellent job of explaining what's happening and putting things in context. For myself, being informed about what is going on and why helps me navigate.

For some of the people who voted for MAGA fascism, the resulting pain and suffering is exactly what they wanted because the cruelty always was, and will remain, the point. This isn't the majority of them, though. For the rest, the pain will come--and probably fairly soon. To those people, remember, you chose this.

You've been promised--clearly and unambiguously--by the MAGA fascist party themselves, that things will be nasty and economic hardship is to be expected. When that hardship arrives and you don't like it, remember, you chose this.

When prices go up due to tariffs and other bad economic policies and you don't like it, remember, you chose this.

When you watch a woman or girl you love suffer and die, remember, you chose this.

When your health care options are few and your insurance is more inadequate than it is now, remember, you chose this.

When workers businesses rely on to do the work no one else would do, some of whom may be your friends, are rounded up and taken away, remember, you chose this.

When civil and human rights, including yours, are removed one by one, remember, you chose this.

When health care policy is dictated by a lunatic conspiracy theorist with a worm-eaten brain and public and individual health suffers as a result, remember, you chose this.

When vaccines are no longer available and disease spreads, remember, you chose this.

When the air you breath and the water you drink becomes more toxic as corporations are invited to destroy the natural environment in your neighborhood and beyond, remember, you chose this.

When you're forced to live under laws dictated by the religious beliefs of a small minority of extreme christian nationalists, and you don't like them, remember, you chose this.

When you want to read a book but you can't because it has been banned, remember, you chose this.

When everyone in the US is less safe because the sane people from other governments don't dare to share intelligence information with the administration of an unstable, incoherent puppet in DC, remember, you chose this.

When the failing, cognitively impaired POTUS is completely incapacitated, which by the looks of things won't be long now, and you're stuck with the VP-elect, remember, you chose this.

When the constitution is a hollow shell that no longer has any real meaning, remember, you chose this.

As the 'experiment' in US democracy comes to an end, remember, you chose this.

In the words of Charles Dickens in A Christmas Carol, 'May you be happy in the life you have chosen.'


David M. Gascoigne, said...

A terrific, lucid summary of the situation, Shari. Terrifying but true. And people chose this option with eyes wide open. Thanks for writing this fine piece.

Shari Burke said...

I know that other countries have already been preparing for this worst case scenario and I hope that the people in those countries can be protected. Your country will be particularly at risk in some ways. I wish it wasn't so.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We have a long fight ahead, Shari. He is already eying our water.

My name is Erika. said...

You're so right. And terrifying that those of us in the US have to live with it too. I don't understand how people can be so fooled by a con man and his fascist ideas.

Shari Burke said...

It is terrifying most of all for those in the US who didn't choose this path, I think. I'm grateful that I saw this coming and we had the option of Irish citizenship for Bill, both of which allowed us to escape. But I am fearful for friends and our daughter, who are there. For us, who live on one small social security check each month, the fact that it may disappear soon is a concern.

For people who chose the fascist route because of the economy, it was an irrational choice at best. They told people that they're going to cause hardship and no one thinks his plans will be good for the economy, so that's no excuse for voting that way. I'm so sorry that this is happening.

Anonymous said...

Trump won the popular vote too, so it is evident that a lot of women, minorities, immigrants and every demographic voted for him. People who object to Trump's policies will just have to cope.

Anonymous said...

People from all demographics voted for Trump, which is evident in the fact that he won the popular vote as well. Everyone will benefit if he is able to put an end to these awful foreign wars the US has been funding.

Shari Burke said...

It's true, Anon, that a majority of people in the country chose to vote for a fascist government. And those who did not will indeed cope. A look at history shows us that they always resist. The blog post addresses the fact that people chose this and points out that the pain is coming for them, too. They've been clear about this.

Shari Burke said...

Not sure if you're the same Anon above. In any case, the second part of your comment is quite naive. The first part, I addressed above. Good luck to you.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think that Anonymous should at very minimum have the cojones (assuming a male) to reveal his identity. He is lucky that you permitted his simplistic drive, to appear on your blog, Shari.

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, David. I figured there would be some defense of the voters who chose fascism and decided to publish or not on a case by case basis. If a comment is hateful or nasty, then it won't be published. I felt that with this one, which was ridiculous, but not hateful ('only' delusional), it was OK to publish. One problem in the US is making excuses for such people. I have friends who try to do just that. I think it's hard for them to understand exactly what people are really like--certainly I've been trying to warn people about this very eventuality for years. Having to grasp that just over half the population is cool with fascism is hard for them, but I think we have to be clear about that fact. I think it's time for people to understand the drivel and not make excuses for it. People who have these ideas will learn that reality is not what they think it is. And when their cult leader drops them because they're no longer useful to him, they will feel pain. I agree with you about the lack of balls, but then it's not really surprising, is it?

Joy said...

I don't know if you've heard about "the Duty To Warn" open letter to Kamala Harris but it's striking in it's detail to the point that even Snopes couldn't refute it. The guy goes on to say that he found anomalies in the bullet ballots of swing states and how easy it would be to cause this right down to the necessary man power and cost of about 10M$. We know whatever happens that this election was bought by a South African who openly brags about using his money this way and the idea that this could happen in the US is probably so impossible that those who voted for him just didn't see it that way. I think his appeal was that immature need to retaliate culture that never sees things through to their best resolution but just wants revenge. They forget to realize that he and those like him could care less about them or their loved ones or their lives or anything... fun times ahead.

Well said to all of it, in my writings on a page about this topic and the 'future' it promises, I've been asking people what their plans are and many struggle to find any. As the conversations continue it does look more and more bleak. No one really thinks it's 'going to be them or anyone they care about' if any of his stuff 'does happen'. Right. Some have decided to start stocking up on various things, some are getting new devices before the tariff's start... (That's a good idea anyway.) For some of us the internet is the only community we really have so that makes sense to me. For those who are getting new cars for the same reason, might as well because they might have to nomad and live in it for a while.

I used to joke that I'd look for a means to get deported but hey, as long as I get to pick which country the transport is heading for.... why not. At least I'd have a better chance at asylum which removes some of the requirements for immigration and I'd get better healthcare there as they use more holistic treatments for the kinds of things I can only try to afford here.

Finding people to have the real conversations with is important, I'm glad you discuss it here.

Shari Burke said...

It's true--people think it can't happen there and certainly not to them. They're about to discover, if they haven't already, that is has and it will. It's unfortunate that people can't be bothered to inform themselves, but obviously those who won the election are skilled manipulators and a small majority of voters weren't up to the task. It remains a voter problem, and I'm curious to see how painful things have to get before some people get a clue.