Sunday, March 17, 2024

Tranquil, Quiet, Soothing

 2 a.m. I'm getting ready to go to sleep. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I turn my head and glance through the window. There I see the sideways smile of the crescent moon illuminating a patch of the black sky. I notice the angle of the roof on the other side of the lane, barely visible. I see the square chimney tops and the shapes of windows on buildings sitting in the glow of the streetlights. I stop for a moment or two, just to look and to savor the peace that descends upon me as I sit there. A cloud veils the moonlight for a minute before moving on until the moon is smiling at me once again. I smile back. I slept well.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s a comforting thought that the same moon smiles on all of us, Sheri, and I just wish we could learn to leave it alone. We won’t though. I hope you fell into a peaceful slumber right away and had sweet dreams.

Shari Burke said...

I did, indeed.

Brenda said... this...hope you get the chance to read my two favorite books of this year already. THE WOMEN and THE GIRLS WE SENT AWAY...the first by Hannah...the second by Meghan Church. My daughter gets to meet so many authors...check out her instagram and facebook...I don't belong to them, but I can read them...NO BOOKEND IN your blog...welcome back.

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Brenda! I've heard a bit about The Women, but not the other book. I'll look it up. I am hoping to clear my NetGalley shelf and read the one library e-book I have left by the end of the month. I want to focus on my own physical books for a while! I've got so many I want to read and have a couple more on the way. 🙂 Hope you're well.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a lovely post Sheri, I found your words soothing, and that is a very nice photograph.

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Jan :-)

Shari Burke said...

We're OK! I'm having computer issues again. I need to get out an old, slow one I saved as backup and let it update so I can use it!