Friday, November 3, 2023


 We were in Donegal town yesterday and I saw this window box near the Diamond (like the town square).

Really? I mean, if you're going to make a window box to display using plastic flowers, at least take off the price tag! 😂😁


Shari Burke said...


David M. Gascoigne, said...

A master class in making gauche even more gauche.

Shari Burke said...

Sadly, the plastic flowers are quite abundant--but leaving the price tag on is a new one on me.

My name is Erika. said...

Were they trying to sell this? Not my style but I suppose someone may like it.

Shari Burke said...

Window boxes are big here. Lots of planters around, too. Most have living plants, but you see some plastic flowers outside and lots of people have vases of plastic flowers inside on the very deep windowsills. In this case, whoever put together this window box didn't take the price tag off the plastic daffodils.

Lowcarb team member said...

LOL but I do like those colours together!

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

I'm not a huge fan of yellow, but I see why they added some--complementary colour and all. :-)

Joy said...

I got to thinking about it... What if someone gave a relative or office worker a sort of random and ill-considered gift? What if it was this thing? They just walked-into whatever store, thought, oh they could toss out the fake flowers and put something else? Bought it and delivered it 'as-is' to the person? Kind of a half-hearted slap-dash gift maybe but I could see it happening. (Sometimes people resent gift giving.) Then, say said person opens the gift kind of in shock.. would have preferred a small gift card to anything than that, and being irritated by it, flopped-it out in the public square to help 'beautify the place'. (Or perhaps someone might wish to take it home to enjoy, as 'free'.)

I've seen this sort of thing happen. I had a grandparent who made such a point that if we had a specific major event in our lives that we'd get this important Norwegian Lefse maker etc. I was the one who as a kid, begged to be taught how to make them 'the olde way' etc and had the interest and all of that. My cousins who didn't care about it, each were given one as promised, but when my event happened, she stopped on a side of the road Mercado with things she wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole (felt religious 'paintings' with plastic frames, Mexican blankets, sombreros etc). Oh yes of course I got the felt religious painting
(Last Supper which is a whole other issue), which deeply offended me. I almost sent it back to my Aunt (daughter of same Grandmother) to find 'pride of place' in her own home... but we all know how that would have gone, not worth the postage.

I had to have someone come and help with something for a few hours and they saw it in some deep recesses of the garage and begged to take it in payment. At first I said 'No not that old thing..' He implored me that his Mother would want it so much and please... "Really? Ok, SOLD"!! He was nearly sobbing with gratitude so at least it went to someone who appreciated it and I got some practical help for the trouble. This is the kind of thing that goes through my mind when I see the odd (if tasteless) thing sort of flung aside like that.

Shari Burke said...

What's that saying--one person's trash is another person's treasure? :-)

Joy said...

Indeed, and for what it's worth, I don't care much for yellow either.
Side Note: Since the Last Supper is a religious symbol of betrayal, I'm not sure if that was some cryptic message to me about moving to N Europe etc, or if she was just depicting her action toward me in that special moment. Maybe some of both.