Saturday, November 4, 2023

Who Cares?

 This morning, one of the Irish online news sites had a poll question about whether it is 'acceptable' to be playing Christmas music now. There is so much of this kind of thing and sometimes there is anger about it as well. It's a peeve. My issue is with the word 'acceptable.' Acceptable to whom? If you want to play Christmas music now or in January, or in June, or whenever, go ahead. Enjoy. If you don't want to play Christmas music until December, then don't. If you do play it then, enjoy. If you hate Christmas music and never want to hear a bell jingling or what some greedy jerk wants from Santa Baby (I'm with you on this one), then don't listen. Enjoy the silence. If people get some joy, peace, happiness, comfort, or whatever else from listening to Christmas music at any time of year, as long as they're not standing outside blasting it outside someone's window, why on earth should anyone else care--or even notice? I know some people get annoyed when it's played in stores at times unacceptable to themselves. Such is life. When we go into our local wee grocery store, they almost always have a local radio station playing and most of the time, it's playing country western music. I loathe and detest country western music. We get what we are there for and we leave, sometimes laughing at the song/lyrics. We don't get pissed off and demand that it be turned off. It's a different matter when it enters my home, but when I am out in public, I know that people are going to have different tastes from me. I am well into adulthood and can handle it. No one ever asks if it's 'acceptable' to be playing twangy tunes at any time of year and Christmas music should be no different. Some towns have speakers blasting Christmas music in the square. We walked out of a shop in Donegal town a few years ago and Last Christmas--a song I abhor--was playing. Bill and I had a laugh. It ended. I was unharmed. 😉😏
needle felted base, sea glass, french knots, crochet trim


Rostrose said...

Dear Shari,
I'm one of those people who only wants to hear Christmas music on Christmas Eve, and even then, not all music. We have a playlist (which definitely doesn't include Last Christmas, because my husband especially hates that) of carols and other songs that we think are appropriate for Christmas, but I wouldn't want to hear that in November. And I DETEST music sprinkling ("piped music"? musical compulsory happiness? - I hope you understand what I mean, in German there are Words like "Musikberieselung" and "Zwangsbeglückung", but I don't know any fitting translation...) in public places or in shops, I find it torture. I like (some types of) music but in moderate amounts that I want to choose for myself. The world is just too loud for me... and I have the impression that it's getting louder and louder...
All the best and a cozy November weekend!
🍂🍃🍁🍃 🍂

Shari Burke said...

Yes, I understand what you mean and I agree. I'm no fan of 'music sprinkling' (I love that phrase!) myself, especially since the music being sprinkled is usually stuff that grates on my nerves. But then, people often engage in public behaviour that grates on my nerves, so I've gotten used to it, I suppose ;-) Enjoy your Christmas Eve music and may you go through the season without hearing Last Christmas :-)

Shari Burke said...

And I agree--it's too noisy out there!

Shari Burke said...

That's cool. On the other hand, I once knew someone who got really sick. She actually died and was resuscitated and was then in a coma for several weeks. She was in a hospital several hours away from her home for over two months. Her kids wanted to put up the indoor Christmas decorations at the end of Halloween, but she was concerned about what the neighbors would think. I thought she should do what made her and her family happy, especially after what they'd been through. That was right for them, just as your way works for you. No right or wrong, just what suits each person best. 🙂

Brenda said...

Love it anytime. There is no designated date for the music or the decorations. Enjoy.

Shari Burke said...

I agree, Brenda--whatever works for each person. Enjoy the season.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have to confess, whether it’s reasonable or not, I don’t like early Christmas music - in fact I don’t care much for Christmas music at all. In my personal sphere I don’t have to listen to it, but it is foisted on me at this time of the year in far too many public spaces. Even if they had a good orchestra playing, or a decent choir, it would be more tolerable, but it is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, with hardly a hint of musical merit to it. And as I look at the faces in our multi-cultural it is clear that a whole lot of the people will not be celebrating Christmas anyway. Bah humbug!

Shari Burke said...

About your last point, non-Christian people may well celebrate cultural Christmas. Let's face it, it has lost a religious meaning for many and never had one for many more. It's an orgy of consumerism, which I personally find distasteful. I have always loved the seasonal aspect of this time of year and Christmas has never been a religious occasion for me. We don't even really celebrate anymore. What I like about it here is that things close and it's quiet for the week between Christmas and New Year. So there is a lot that I dislike about Christmas as it is culturally constructed, but it is what is. As for the music itself, what they play in public is usually crappy for sure, but the point is to create an atmosphere where people feel inclined to buy more stuff --impulse buying and that kind of thing. I admit to feeling some amusement at this as I think, 'I know what you're doing and I'm not playing.' 🙂😏

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh Goodness me!
We are just so fortunate to be able to enjoy music, books, art ...

I know some who prefer to wait for a certain date before they bring the Christmas music out but we just enjoy playing it at home when we want to.

It's a coincidence but Eddie and I were talking about Christmas music and hymns earlier today.
One memory we both hold dear is seeing the children with their Christingles in Church.
Back in those days the candles were all lit and it was magical with plenty of parents to keep a watchful eye, for safety's sake, nowadays it just wouldn't be allowed.

I hope you've had an enjoyable weekend, we actually had a sunny day today, it was lovely to get out and about without getting too wet.
Have a good new week ahead.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

PS I also meant to say I like the needle felted base, sea glass, French knots, and crochet trim decoration :)

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Jan.

The Christmas memory you mentioned sounds beautiful. When I was a kid, many people in our suburban neighborhood lined their driveways and sidewalks with luminaria. Often there was snow. It was a lovely sight to see the candles all lit.

So glad you got out in the sunshine! We had rain today. Enjoy your week.

Joy said...

I can appreciate this and it's been something of a debate that it starts the minute the Trick or Treaters have 'left the building'. There's a humorous picture I'd share but it's one of an air-filled human-sized turkey with swirly eyes (like it's a little crazy) and he's sitting on top of an air-filled human-sized Santa with a sign that says "Wait your turn fat boy!" No reason to turn to insults of course, but the point is definitely there. (Also people sort of expect Santa to be portly.)

I find that fascinating about the country music because to me that's about as uh good as some of the more irritating Christmas music. Well... There's some fun songs in country for sure, but there's what we like to call 'the songs you could slit your wrists to' and those are to be avoided if at all possible. It can be fun to pick a random favorite song and just agree to couple-dance to it wherever you are. "God Only Knows" (Beach Boys) was the one that usually happened with if the situation was suitable. Maybe a Corrs song or two...

Happy Holidays!

Shari Burke said...

I'm with you on the country music, Joy--can't stand it, Christmas or otherwise. It's big here, though.

Happy holidays to you, too!