Sunday, June 25, 2023

Speeding Along and Going Nowhere

 The other day, as we were nearing the end of another week, Bill mentioned that time seems to be speeding by. I agreed that the weeks seemed to be zipping by, but that somehow June felt endless. It feels like it's been June forever. Indeed, I am sometimes astonished when I remind myself that it is still June, because surely it has been June for several months already! It's been warmer than usual this June--could be the warmest on record by the time (or if) we ever reach the end, according to Met Eireann. We had a couple of weeks where the temperature was around 80F, which is hot for here. I have been knocked back by this. I always have issues in summer, but usually they come on gradually and build up over time. Not this year. I went through a week or 10 days of not being able to get to sleep until after 5 am. Combined with stomach upset, headaches, achiness, a clogged head, sore throat, and other things, there were days when I was just doing the bare minimum. Once I was able to get a little more sleep, I could function slightly better. I'm used to having all these issues in summer, but not so early or at such an intensity. Things are more manageable, at least for now, so I am taking it as it comes.

One thing that provided me with some smiles during this time was Lennnie the Blob. I had never heard of Lennnie until someone from HarperCollins UK contacted me and asked if I would like a copy of Lennnie's book. I accepted and several weeks later, just as I was starting to be assaulted by summer, the postman delivered Lennnie. It was perfect timing! 

Lennnie has some wise words for all of us. They made me laugh out loud at times and this was most welcome under the circumstances. In addition to the words of wisdom, the artwork is fun and endearing. This is a book to revisit from time to time, during moments of ease or times of discomfort. Lennnie and their friends have an uplifting, encouraging, and positive attitude that doesn't get sappy or saccharine. This is a great little book and I thank HarperCollinsUK for sending me a copy. Lennnie can also be found on various social media platforms.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Seems like Lenny arrived at a time when you needed him most.

NanaDiana said...

I am so sorry you suffer so much in the summer, Shari. Here, I look forward to the summer months after endless months of being too cold to be outside. However, like you, this summer has been extremely hot and dry. We are expecting rain today and need it desperately.
Love Lennie. I have never heard of him before. lol
Hope you and Bill can enjoy the remainder of summer on some level.
Hugs- Diana

My name is Erika. said...

I'm the opposite of you. June has flown. Smile. Funny how our perspective determines that. This looks like a good book though. I think with my flying by month I should read it. Happy last week of June.Erika

Shari Burke said...

It's true, David--Lennnie came along at a good time :-)

Thanks, Diana. Things are less yucky now my bodily reactions are not as intense so hopefully I can go along with things as they usually are in summer. I chuckled when I read your thought about it being too cold to go outside. After regularly being outside in -45 at times in Fairbanks, that's not really a thing for us anymore. Too warm to go outside is definitely a thing for me, especially if the sun is out, and it doesn't take much--LOL I hope you guys get the rain you need! We needed some, too and thankfully we have gotten some. We had fire danger warnings for a while.

I hope you enjoy every minute of your speedy June, Erika! It's definitely a cute book!

Vicki said...

Not liking the heat is a thing for me too. Florida summers are so hot and humid I just want to stay inside other than early in the morning or late at night.

I want to check out Lennnie the Blob. I love the cover.

Shari Burke said...

Thankfully it has cooled off here--in the 60s, little sun, and rain off and on. Yay! I slept better last night than I have in a while.

Lennnie is definitely a wise blob :-)

Lowcarb team member said...

It has been a very hot June.
My two preferred seasons are Spring and Autumn.

This book sounds brilliant.

All the best Jan

Shari Burke said...

Autumn and winter for me! :-) Hope it's cooler there now.

Rostrose said...

Dear Shari,
that sounds like getting Lennnie at the pharmacy on doctor's prescription would be a good idea ๐Ÿ˜ I'm sorry you're struggling with the heat and its effects so early this year. I don't know if I've written to you before about a woman in Ireland telling us, "We're going to have a heat wave! It's supposed to be 27 degrees next week!" - and I was sooo jealous, because 27 degrees is still one of the temperatures I can live with. But anything above 30 degrees doesn't make me very happy either and THIS kind of heatwaves have been piling up in our country for several years. Luckily I don't have as much trouble with it as you do though. I'm glad you got the book at the right time!
All the best from Austria, Traude

Shari Burke said...

I am happiest when it's around 7-10 degrees, but I can handle warmer temperatures if there is no sun. I am living in the right place--my friends the clouds are usually around to cover up the sun and drop some rain. :-) A chilly rainy day is my favourite! For the past couple of weeks we have had temperatures in the mid-teens, a fair bit of rain, and not much sun. I am feeling and sleeping better, so I am happy and enjoying it while it lasts :-)

Hope you have a lovely week ahead, Traude!