Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Where's the Water?

 We had an interesting night last night. Bill started the laundry at about quarter after midnight. By then the cheaper off-peak electricity rates have kicked in. Not every place has the two meters but this one does. We are up at this time anyway, so might as well just get it done. This is the laundering step. To dry, we hang clothes on an airer. Some places have dryers and some don't. Since we haven't used a dryer in about 40 years (except occasionally when on the road) even if there is one, we don't use it. So it's easy enough to turn the washing machine on and let it do its thing. When it's done, one of us turns off the plug opens the door a bit (they're all front-loaders) and leave it until the next morning when I hang it up.

Anyway, it began and got as far as the first drain and spin. Bill was in the living room/kitchen area where the machine is. I was in the bedroom down the short hallway. After the spin was done, I was thinking that things didn't sound right. I didn't hear it filling up again. I was straining to hear but my tinnitus was strong and it was hard to hear anything else. I figured that if there was an issue Bill would say something. I went back to my book with one ear paying attention. I heard him  get up. I went out to see what was happening. Instead of filling up again, the machine was just humming and lights were blinking. We thought it was broken and we tried to get the door open since it had just done a spin. Even with the plug turned off, the door stayed locked, so we left the plug off and figured we'd have to call the manager this morning. Then Bill tried the cold water tap in the kitchen. Nothing. I checked the Irish Water website to check for outages. None listed. But it did say that if there is no water coming from the cold tap in the kitchen to call. By now it was after 1:15 am. I called and talked to a nice woman who said she would file a report, but they wouldn't see it until 9 this morning and then would have it fixed within 24 hours. She gave me a reference number and took my contact information. We were wondering how we would manage without a bathroom for all that time! In Dungloe there are public ones just around the corner from the apartment in which we lived and they're always clean and well maintained, but nothing here if this whole building was out, which we assumed it was, as did the woman on the phone. She thought it could be a burst water main--a not uncommon situation in Donegal and elsewhere--or a pumping station problem.

We kept checking until a little after 2 and no luck. At around 3 I had to use the bathroom and I wasn't sleeping anyway, so I got up and on my way past the sink, I tried it again. This time water came out! Yay! I tried the kitchen. Water! Yay! I decided to leave the laundry until daytime. I thought about calling Irish Water back to say we had water again but decided I had better wait to make sure it didn't go out again. I went back to bed and slept a little. I got up a few hours later and checked that we still had water. We did. I had to fiddle with the washing machine but got that going. I had to start it over from the beginning. Then I called Irish Water to try to save someone a trip out here. I was told that I should wait until someone called me and I could tell them so they could cancel the job on their end. The person I was talking to couldn't do it. So I am waiting in case they call. It's almost 7 pm and there has been nothing. Maybe they discovered that there was a problem and now there isn't so won't call. I am just glad that the water came back on so quickly and that we are not sitting here all this time without it!  It was one thing to not have water in Alaska where we could haul our own, but quite another here where options are limited!


Linda said...

Such a pain when the utilities go out. I take them for granted daily but when they go out......no fun.

Thank goodness it's back on.

Shari Burke said...

Yes! When we had no running water in Alaska and were hauling it, I paid attention to every drop. I was thinking in the middle of the night that I have come to take it for granted again.

Rostrose said...

Dear Shari,
the water came back just in time! ;-) Yes, none of this can be taken for granted... you always find that out when something fails... I thought about what I would do in the event of a longer power failure. Because a few years ago there was no electricity in our region for 17 hours (early onset of winter at the end of October, a tree fell on the power lines) - the children were sent home from school because the toilets were also out of order. No electricity = no pump... (And there was no possibility to shop, no heating, no cooking... Luckily I have an old, small gas camping stove for emergencies! So we had a nice day off: we went Tobogganing, later we lit candles and played card games... And at the next opportunity we installed a wood-fired oven with a ceramic hob as an emergency cooking facility!) After media reports increased the probability of a Europe-wide blackout (because of the many small power plants instead of one large one per region ) so it's always good to have a plan B. I think for me, when it comes to the bathroom, that would be a chamber pot... or a bucket, preferably with a lid. And in the event of a longer blackout, digging a latrine ditch in the garden... Uff! Can everything still come...
All the best in February,
PS: The renovation of an old hotel also sounds like a very unpleasant thing. Yes, that can get you down... The renovation work her is also continuing, but at the moment I only hear a tolerable banging every now and then...

Shari Burke said...

The buckets are fairly common in Alaska--they're called 'honey buckets.'

Sounds like you're ready if the power goes out!

Rostrose said...

'Honey buckets'!
Yes, almost ready... ;-)

NanaDiana said...

That is such a pain when you lose water or electric or gas. It can really immobilize you in many ways. I am so happy yours came back on after just a short outage.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day. Hugs- Diana

Shari Burke said...

We were relieved, too! And it made us think about how limited our options are out here in the back of beyond!

Shari Burke said...

We have an electric shower (heats the water in a box on the shower wall) which gets water from a tank in the attic, as far as I know. At least the shower isn't supposed to be hooked up to the mains. Whether it is or not, I don't know! We did not know about these tanks until someone in the book group in the first town we lived in told us about them when I mentioned dripping outside. As far as I know only one of the places we lived in has not had one.