Wednesday, June 27, 2018


We only went for a short walk this morning. By the time we got out there a little before 9, the sun had already been beating down for a few hours and it was too hot. Bill commented that, had we been out there at around 6, it might not have been so hot. True enough, but considering I did not fall into a decent sleep until 5:30 this morning, that was even more unlikely today than it is on any other day. Darkness comes late and the sun shows itself early, so not much cooling occurs and each day gets warmer than the last. One news outlet has reported on melting tar issues! And I noted that not one person we came into contact with this morning had any comment to make about the weather. As people gushed at me in recent days about how grand/ glorious/ brilliant/ wonderful the weather is and was going to be, I was thinking that it would not take long for that excitement to turn into grumbling. I've seen it before after a couple of days of this kind of weather and with this heatwave expected to hang around for another week and a half or so, I suspect I will, for a brief time anyway, not be alone in my unhappiness about the heat and sun. There was no grumbling this morning, but there were grim, sweaty faces and no commentary at all. An absence of weather related remarks is notable. I am not even going to try to go out until things ease up some, so I may not be aware of when the shift is complete. I've noticed though, that even news stories have switched the tone of their coverage from cheerleading to a mix of breathless stories about sun and ice cream and safety warnings to now being virtually all warnings about the hazards of this weather. It's interesting to observe--for me, anyway.

As I marched around town this morning, I noticed how dazzling everything was. There was the sun relentlessly beating down, the water reflecting the bright sunshine, the brightly coloured boats in the harbour, and the brilliant colour of the flowers along the roadside and in planters and window boxes throughout the town.

If you come across some dazzle in your part of the world today, hope you have your sunglasses handy! 😉

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