Friday, December 2, 2016

A Splash of Colour

Even on wonderful days like today, when the sun does not shine and the sky is grey, it seems that the sun makes a brief appearance just before setting. We look out our window and some part of the sky is orange. It may be most of the sky and it may be just an orange strip between the grey sky above and Lough Foyle below--each sunset is different and each one is beautiful.

This afternoon, just after 4, I was feeling a bit peckish. I decided to make a cup of cocoa instead of eating something. I glanced out the window and saw the orange stripe in the sky and the water beneath. I made my cocoa, lit a few candles, and sat by the window watching the sky and the water change. It was so quiet and peaceful. I felt so calm and content.

I made a quick supper tonight and have prepared the slow cooker to make suppers for the weekend overnight. I put in some mixed dried beans and barley and some red lentils. I chopped a bunch of veg and put those in. Once it is 11 and we switch over to off peak electricity rates, I will turn on the slow cooker and let the soup cook overnight. In the morning I will add some herbs and we will have soup for a couple of nights. I got a nice brown scone loaf at the shop today and that will round things off nicely.

I even remembered to go into the other room and cut some celery. I often forget, but it is growing like crazy and needed a trim.

This is what the season is all about for me--enjoying peaceful moments, hot beverages, nice bowls of hot, hearty soup, the early sunsets, the quiet, and having lots of time to just be.

Hope your Friday has moments of calm contentment too

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