Sunday, August 29, 2021

We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Out of the Fying Pan

 When Bill saw the listing for the apartment in Dungloe, I was excited. We’d ridden through Dungloe a couple of times and it had a good vibe. The listing looked good, so Bill contacted the letting agent and a few days later, off we went to look at it, deciding to spend the night there. It was a few days before Christmas, and it was lovely to walk around in the mizzle, looking at the festive decorations.

When we viewed the apartment, we asked the letting agent, who also owned the place, if there were mold issues. He said only in the bedroom window well, because the previous guy didn’t ever open the windows. This turned out to be wrong, but at the time we had no way of knowing this. He left us alone to poke around and went back to his office. It didn’t take us long to look at things, because it was quite small, but it did give us a chance to talk it over and come to a decision. We went back to the office and told him we wanted to rent it. We gave him Dick’s contact information, but said he was very uncommunicative, so he might not get a reply. We also gave him the information for the previous letting agent. He did not get in touch with Dick, but made contact with the other guy, so later that day he called and said we could have it and we’d work out details after the festive season. I sent Dick an email giving notice immediately. Once again, we thought we would be going to a place we'd be staying in for years. I didn't realize at the time that I was jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire in some ways.

Over the course of two weeks, going back and forth, we moved in. When I called to deal with Electric Ireland, things were humming along until the guy on the phone suddenly got very agitated. He said there was a problem and he couldn't complete the set-up because no one had taken responsibility for the account for the last 9 months when the place had been vacant. The previous tenant had removed himself and provided the final meter reading, but no one else had stepped in. The electricity was humming along all that time, though--it took us 6 hours to defrost the freezer! Anyway, he told me we shouldn't have to pay the standing charges, VAT, etc for all that time and asked if we knew who should bear responsibility. I said we did and we'd go talk to him. We did, right away. It was late on a Friday afternoon, so we knew nothing would happen that day, but we figured he'd want to be on it Monday morning. LOL. He simply blinked at me in what seemed like a long silence before saying that he'd take care of it the following week and let us know when it was done. A couple weeks later, we got a call from him asking what exactly the problem was again. I told him. An hour or so later, he called back to say it was sorted and I could complete the process.

Meanwhile, we saw that there were issues in the corner where the wardrobe was, but since the bedroom was so small, there was no way to move it anywhere else in the room. There was a small alcove in the living room, so we dragged it out there. The bedroom walls in the corner where the wardrobe had been were wet and had some mold. Eventually, the wall behind the bed also showed mold. I could keep up with it at first and in a matter of weeks, the windows were open all the time and it wasn't so humid so the problem wasn’t as bad. The bathroom was a constant problem. The toilet tank sweated all the time and the floor covering was not installed well. There were soft spot in the floor. The room was always wet, even with the window open all the time, because there was no exhaust fan. I mopped the ceiling a lot.

Summer turned into autumn and eventually it was time to turn on the heat. That’s when the problems really exploded. I walked into the bedroom and saw water dripping down the wall behind the bed. That was the worst wall, along with the entire bathroom, but all the outside walls (which was almost all of them) got wet. Mold patches started appearing on all the ceilings. The bathroom and bedroom were impossible to keep up with. We discovered moldy clothes in the wardrobe. When walking in the bathroom, we had to be careful about where we stepped, lest we fall through. It was hard to get in and out of the shower and the toilet did not seem like it was on solid ground. Things were extremely stressful. One day, I found a small mushroom growing out of the window frame. And we were still in lockdown.

At around the same time as things were going haywire in the apartment, the landlord informed us that he was selling. I told him about all the things that had started happening and he simply blinked at me over his mask. Oddly enough, even though we’d set up a date and time for viewing, and we waited, masked, with all windows open, we got a call saying no one wanted to view the apartment.

He said he thought there was an exhaust fan, so when he found out it didn’t work, he sent someone to fix it. After that, there were new mold patches in the small ‘hallway.’ I came to think that the fan did not vent outside, but into the attic, which I suspect is a mess. I looked for an outside vent and there was none.

At the end of January, there was a knock on the door late one afternoon. It was our new landlord, who had bought the place without looking at it. By then our lease was up and we were actively looking for a new place, but we were in lockdown 3 and could not travel beyond 5km from home. We were hoping for a place to come up in Dungloe, because we liked it there, but no luck. The new landlord asked if we were going to stay. I laid out all the problems. He kept repeating that this would be easy to fix—some insulated boards and installation of vents. I really wasn’t able to talk much about the bathroom, because he kept repeating this, talking over me. He said it would take a few days. This was not really believable. The entire bathroom would have to be taken out, repairs made, and the bathroom reinstalled. Parts of the kitchen would have to get the same treatment. It would take more than a few days and given the way things operate, it could stretch on for a long time. Meanwhile, the walls kept dripping, the mold kept getting worse, the bathroom floor got scarier, and we kept looking. Lockdown dragged on.


Vicki said...

Wow! It seems like renting a place like that would be against the law. If not, it should be. I wonder if the landlord would want to live in an apartment like that? I guess no. Glad you are out of there!

Shari Burke said...

I'm not sure whether the first guy knew how bad it was or did know and unloaded it just as he knew things would be getting bad. Either seems plausible to me. But I find it impossible to believe that he didn't know about the mold problem. He just had it painted over, which I think is not that uncommon.

I am fairly certain that the new owner had no idea how bad things are. He was not happy when he saw the state of things. I have wondered whether he would have bought it had he viewed it first.

We're glad to be out, too! This place has good insulation and we were told there would be no weeping walls. The landlord's son is our neighbour and apparently he never even has to turn on the heat! We're cautiously optimistic!

Joy said...

Here's me sat here with poblano oil all over my face (the last time I cut one up this didn't happen) thinking 'wow I thought things were going so smoothly there'. I did catch some nuance about the mold tho because I've been through it myself and have been horribly ill ever since.

I got so turned-around in the story that I was starting to think that the NEW place was now at issue and that you couldn't wait to leave your new town.

I'm relieved to see that while you had the usual keystone cop situation on getting services set-up again, at least it wasn't 'the apt' itself that was giving you the headaches beyond what they had to replace/update.

One thing I've had to learn over the last few years is that it always pays to take copious notes and screen shots of anything that is said, offered or directed, often with a 'follow-up email' to the person(s) because it's sometimes the only way to get a company to finally fix something or 'do the right thing'. You know the 'Hi so and so it was lovely to meet you at your place of work! So as per our conversation you have directed us to do the following things.... We thought it would have been fine to 'do it this way' ..... but you have explained that it's not the way your company ______ does things. Again i appreciate your thorough attention to our concerns about ..... and look forward to having everything work-out in the new location..." Even if they don't reply its' definitely a record of events and if they had replied they might have said 'no no it's like this' but again, it works to your advantage. I wonder if they had worked at a different company and were using all those policies? (Find out who it is and NEVER do business with them lol.)

Ok so all is well then, at long last or?

Brenda said...

Good luck

Shari Burke said...

Thanks, Brenda! So far, so good! 🙂

Joy, yes all is well at last! 🤗

Joy said...

It is so curious as a rental that it didn't have up-to-date WIFI already installed.

That dodgy lease situation was surprising, I can understand how hubby was so irritated, it seemed on the verge of fraud. The new owner sadly will probably catch the fall-out of the shady way they did things. Maybe he can 'take action' if they claimed that the building was 'in good shape'? (We can hope.)

I hope the kitchen / living area is at least as livable and able to be used as creatively as previous locations!

Oh, I literally never use 'just' their email address for 'business contact'. I know these providers 'come and go' so I use a Gmail account for everything. Hopefully they 'get the point' since issues may happen where 'their own' account email isn't accessible (for any number of reasons). (Learned that the hard way years ago when a company changed names and dropped the prior 'provided email' list. We were left with no prior history, no way to contact people of the changes, complete loss of contacts etc.)

Also looking forward to hearing how you're getting-on in the new place now that all the lads on supply from every company have 'run through it' to get you set-up. (Speaking of: I wonder if the 'we always provide new modem's' lady was taken to task over that misinfo. Do you think it would have worked faster by days or weeks if she hadn't been mistaken about that and not cancelling the previous account 'at the shop'?)

Whew! Wishing fair seas and favorable skies from here-forward!
(The better insulation etc sounds promising too, esp for Northerners.)

Shari Burke said...

It appears that they don't install things for 'simply broadband' until someone at that address requests it. In the apt we just left, no one had had wifi there before, apparently. I think many people get their wifi in a bundle with TV, too. There's a new looking socket for TV services in a very convenient location in this place, but that wasn't useful for us.

I think the ending of the Dungloe service would have been faster if we had known that the woman in the store wasn't going to do it, but I don't think it would have been faster to get service here. The modem came within 2 days, the tech guy was here within a week, and I think the multi-tech drama would have happened that same week, but we were still going back and forth at the time, so the guy scheduled it for the first day after we'd be done. They moved quickly. :-)

Joy said...

In my place it's the whole tv-bundle / phone wifi options sort of thing. (Either Or) I am also only using the wifi option through the phone service (not the phone) so it seems similar.
I guess being told the wrong info and not keeping your original modem didn't cause much trouble as it might have after all, it just seemed rife with complication on the outset. They seemed to think you were still at the other location or maybe I read that wrong. That's surprisingly good tho innit.

Shari Burke said...

And they would have charged us for both places! 🤨

Joy said...

Oh and there's that... I'm actually in that boat with my rent right now because they tarred the parking lot right as I was moving-in so I had to stop as I'm horribly allergic. I think you could have used your 'billed-use' profile as proof that you weren't using 'the old one' and no longer had 'that modem' as well. (Maybe that's the one good thing to come out of them taking that modem away and having to do so many steps to get the new one installed at the new location. TONS of notation/evidence.)