Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sheepy Watch: Sweet Dreams

The postman put something in the box this morning and when I brought it upstairs, Bill said it was for me. he said he saw it and decided I had to have it. He knows how I love sheep 🐑😀
Note the black sheep on the bottom right of the band. Being a black sheep myself, I particularly like that!

On the watch face, the sheep are cavorting among the stars and the text around the dge says 'sweet dreams' in various languages.
I love it!


Joy said...

Aww I love how he finds you the best gifts. Not all men would think as thoughtfully as he does. Good job Bill!! (I wish I could find my favorite sheep post-card from N Ireland or somewhere to show, you it's so cute.)

Vicki said...

I agree with Joy, he gives you things that really mean something to you. I love the watch!

Shari Burke said...

He Is really great at surprises :-) And, after 40 years together, he knows me pretty well!

Lowcarb team member said...

Bill knows you so well :)
Great gift.

All the best Jan