Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Sky, Hills, and More Wind Turbine Parts

Last night around 9 o'clock, I looked out the bedroom window. The light was interesting, so I spent some time enjoying the sky and the view of Benbulben in Sligo. I noticed that there was a different ship at the pier--the cruise ships that had been docked there all day yesterday were gone and a cargo ship had taken its place. The cranes were up, so I assumed they were unloading more wind turbine parts. We went by on our walk this morning and saw that this is what's going on.

Only a month of increasing daylight left, and then we head back in the right direction. It always makes me so happy when the darkness arrives noticeably earlier.

A friend brought over this wild iris yesterday, still closed up. This morning when I came downstairs, it was open. Isn't it lovely?
Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Beautiful views from your window, and that's a beautiful Iris in my favorite color!